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This search has yielded 70 documents.
Sort by:  | MYNK User's Guide Date: 11/21/2011, Last modified at: 7/10/2012 12:11 PM Details, Download | |
|  | CMS-IL User's Guide Date: 11/14/2011, Last modified at: 7/10/2012 12:10 PM Details, Download | |
|  | CMS-ML User's Guide Date: 4/19/2010, Last modified at: 7/10/2012 12:07 PM Details, Download | |
|  | Use Case Driven Extension of ProjectIT-RSL to Support Behavioral Concerns (application/pdf, 175.35 KB) Date: 2/20/2011, Last modified at: 11/29/2011 12:05 PM David de Almeida Ferreira, Alberto Rodrigues da Silva, “Use Case Driven Extension of ProjectIT-RSL to Support Behavioral Concerns”, in Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2011), Miami, USA, July 2011, Knowledge Systems Institute, (...) Details, Download | |
|  | Desenho e Avaliação do sistema BOA com base em Padrões de Interfaces Sociais [in CITA 2011] (application/pdf, 607.26 KB) Date: 4/28/2011, Last modified at: 5/10/2011 4:34 PM Alberto Rodrigues da Silva, Paulo Correia de Sousa, Desenho e Avaliação do sistema BOA com base em Padrões de Interfaces Sociais, in Proceedings of the Iberoamerican Congress on Telematics (CITA-2011), 2011. Details, Download | |
|  | Design Issues for an Extensible CMS-based Document Management System (application/pdf, 524.13 KB) Last modified at: 2/14/2011 5:18 PM Details, Download | |
|  | Casos de Estudo com a Bolsa de Objectos de Aprendizagem: Análise na Perspectiva da Computação Social [in IE2010] (application/pdf, 633.77 KB) Date: 9/1/2010, Last modified at: 12/21/2010 6:20 PM Alberto Rodrigues da Silva, Patrícia Dinis, "Casos de Estudo com a Bolsa de Objectos de Aprendizagem: Análise na Perspectiva da Computação Social", Proceedings of IE’2010 Conference (Congreso Iberoamericano de Informática Educativa), 2010. Details, Download | |
|  | Utilização e Cenários de Aplicação do BOA [in SIIE’2008] (application/pdf, 738.85 KB) Date: 10/1/2008, Last modified at: 12/21/2010 6:13 PM Patrícia Castanheira Dinis, Alberto Rodrigues da Silva, “Utilização e Cenários de Aplicação do BOA”, in Proceedings of the Simposio Internacional de Informática Educativa (SIIE’2008) (Spain, October 2008). Details, Download | |
|  | Design Experiences with the Learning Objects Board System [in HICSS-40] (application/pdf, 337.50 KB) Date: 12/31/2006, Last modified at: 12/21/2010 6:11 PM Patrícia Silva, Alberto Rodrigues da Silva, Design Experiences with the Learning Objects Board System, in Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-40), (Hawaii, Jan 2007) , IEEE Computer Society. Details, Download | |
|  | The Learning Objects Board System [in E-Learn'2006] (application/pdf, 413.22 KB) Date: 12/21/2010, Last modified at: 12/21/2010 6:09 PM Patrícia Silva, Alberto Rodrigues da Silva, The Learning Objects Board System, in Proceedings of the E-Learn 2006 (Hawaii, Oct 2006), AACE Details, Download |
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