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1 Introduction
From Web 2.0 Wiki, Wiegers Wiki Template
The introduction presents an overview to help the reader understand how the Software Requirements Specification is organized and how to use it.

1.1 Purpose

Identify the product or application whose requirements are specified in this document, including the revision or release number. If this Requirements Specification (SRS) pertains to only part of an entire system, identify that portion or subsystem.  

1.2 Document Conventions

Describe any standards or typographical conventions, including text styles, highlighting, or significant notations. For instance, state whether the priority shown for a high-level requirement is inherited by all its detailed requirements or whether every functional requirement statement is to have its own priority rating.

1.3 Intended Audience And Reading Suggestions

List the different readers to whom the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is directed. Describe what the rest of the SRS contains and how it is organized. Suggest a sequence for reading the document that is most appropriate for each type of reader.  

1.4 Project Scope

Provide a short description of the software being specified and its purpose. Relate the software to user or corporate goals and to business objectives and strategies. If a separate vision and scope document is available, refer to it rather than duplicating its contents here. An Software Requirements Specification (SRS) that specifies an incremental release of an evolving product should contain its own scope statement as a subset of the long-term strategic product vision.

1.5 References

List any documents or other resources to which this Software Requirements Specification (SRS) refers, including hyperlinks to them if possible. These might include user interface style guides, contracts, standards, system requirements specifications, use-case documents, interface specifications, concept-of-operations documents, or the SRS for a related product. Provide enough information so that the reader can access each reference, including its title, author, version number, date, and source or location (such as network folder or URL).