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4 External Interface Requirements
From Web 2.0 Wiki, Wiegers Wiki Template
According to Richard Thayer (2002), "External interface requirements specify hardware, software, or database elements with which a system or component must interface...." This section provides information to ensure that the system will communicate properly with external components. If different portions of the product have different external interfaces, incorporate an instance of this section within the detailed requirements for each such portion.

Reaching agreement on external and internal system interfaces has been identified as a software industry best practice (Brown 1996). Place detailed descriptions of the data and control components of the interfaces in the data dictionary. A complex system with multiple subcomponents should use a separate interface specification or system architecture specification (Hooks and Farry 2001). The interface documentation could incorporate material from other documents by reference. For instance, it could point to a separate application programming interface (API) specification or to a hardware device manual that lists the error codes that the device could send to the software.

4.1 User Interfaces

Describe the logical characteristics of each user interface that the system needs. Some possible items to include are

* References to GUI standards or product family style guides that are to be followed.

* Standards for fonts, icons, button labels, images, color schemes, field tabbing sequences, commonly used controls, and the like.

* Screen layout or resolution constraints.

* Standard buttons, functions, or navigation links that will appear on every screen, such as a help button.

* Shortcut keys.

* Message display conventions.

* Layout standards to facilitate software localization.

* Accommodations for visually impaired users.

Document the user interface design details, such as specific dialog box layouts, in a separate user interface specification, not in the SRS. Including screen mock-ups in the SRS to communicate another view of the requirements is helpful, but make it clear that the mock-ups are not the committed screen designs. If the SRS is specifying an enhancement to an existing system, it sometimes makes sense to include screen displays exactly as they are to be implemented. The developers are already constrained by the current reality of the existing system, so it's possible to know up front just what the modified, and perhaps the new, screens should look like.  

4.2 Hardware Interfaces

Describe the characteristics of each interface between the software and hardware components of the system. This description might include the supported device types, the data and control interactions between the software and the hardware, and the communication protocols to be used.  

4.3 Software Interfaces

Describe the connections between this product and other software components (identified by name and version), including databases, operating systems, tools, libraries, and integrated commercial components. State the purpose of the messages, data, and control items exchanged between the software components. Describe the services needed by external software components and the nature of the intercomponent communications. Identify data that will be shared across software components. If the data-sharing mechanism must be implemented in a specific way, such as a global data area, specify this as a constraint.  

4.4 Communications Interfaces

State the requirements for any communication functions the product will use, including e-mail, Web browser, network communications protocols, and electronic forms. Define any pertinent message formatting. Specify communication security or encryption issues, data transfer rates, and synchronization mechanisms.