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Number of members: 1372

Number of available objects: 779 (68%)
Total number of objects: 1149
BOA (in Portuguese, Bolsa de Objectos de Aprendizagem) is a flexible and innovative Learning Object Repository platform with several features aiming to maximize authors and end-users participation. It is a collaborative web application where users submit and retrieve LOs.

BOA-GPI is the BOA's instance configured for support multiple editions of the “IT Project Management (Gestão de Projectos Informáticos, GPI) course”, from the MEIC Master Program of the Instituto Superior Técnico da Universidade de Lisboa). At BOA-GPI you can search, consult and download and important number of resources authored throughout multiple years by Professor and Students of GPI course.
Top 10 - Most Popular Users

 NameCreditsNo. of Obj. as AuthorMy DownloadsDownloads
Alberto Silva 75775.2077256968
Rosário Bernardo 30334.404254356
David Ferreira 7582.221527775
João Saraiva 1546.8843159
João Carlota 2924.7122129
Rui Henriques 1623.5281297
Pedro Jacinto 1519.3863074
Joao Benedito 1497.7771265
Filipe Fonseca 1410.476254
Sandro Ferreira 1393.856948